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Fig.: Andreas Vollmer

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - E-Assessment

Take-home exam

The take-home exam belongs to the so-called open-book procedures and takes place in a fixed time frame (several hours to a few days). Typically, as for open-book procedures, students are allowed to work with their own aids in take-home exams.


As a written examination procedure, it is conducted with the help of the examination system of the HU, the examination Moodle. It is usually a free-text task that is carried out with the Moodle assignment module as part of a remote examination.

Take-Home Examination with the Assignment Module

A take-home exam is a digital examination procedure in which students take their exam at home or in an environment of their choice. For this purpose, the examination task is released and downloaded at a set time. The solution created is then uploaded during the examination period (several hours to days) and thus "marked" as submitted. It is of course not expected that the solution will be worked on for the entire time in the case of examinations lasting several days.

Take-home examinations are conducted as open examinations, i.e. students have access to their notes, course materials, the internet and any other resources they wish to consult. In order to limit the scope of the examination performance, upper limits (pages, number of words) can be set, for example.